Monday, March 10, 2008

Ross, Rounsaville campaign in Jackson

WLBT - Charlie Ross Campaigns on Horseback - The campaign trail turned into a horse trail for one congressional candidate. In Brandon Saturday morning, Charlie Ross teamed with his wife Sharon and some campaign workers to canvass the Crossgates neighborhood on horseback. Ross is a Republican candidate for the Third Congressional District. Their goal is to meet more constituents and encourage people to vote in the primary on Tuesday. "I'm excited about this election, I hope everyone will go vote. It's so important to vote, it's a privilege, a responsibility, and I just encourage everyone to go vote."

WLBT - Rounsaville Campaign Hits Jackson Area - John Rounsaville supporters visited Capital City voters Saturday. Volunteers carrying yard signs and hangers knocked on doors in Belhaven. Rounsaville is a Republican hoping to fill Chip Pickering's vacant congressional seat. The Mississippi State alum served as a top aide to Governor Haley Barbour and Congressman Chip Pickering. Supporters hope their face to face time with voters will make a difference. Rounsaville volunteer, Brian Berry had this to say: "personal endorsement is the most powerful tool in politics today, and so we're doing that, door to door. We're going up and saying 'Hey, I'm from Belhaven,' and going to my neighbors and saying, 'I'm voting for John Rounsaville, and I hope you do too." Volunteers for Rounsaville are also canvassing neighborhoods today in Meridian and Starkville.

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