Monday, March 10, 2008

MagnoliaPoliticos Hits Landrum for RoboCalls

From MagnoliaPoliticos - announced that the first major YouTube video in Mississippi that looks-professionally produced was released to the American public today. The video was constructed after the Landrum campaign ignored an inquiry for more than 24 hours regarding the legality of their unsolicited blast-phone calls, which never included a disclaimer regarding whom paid or authorized these unwanted political calls. follows all FEC guidelines. It is exempt from FEC regulation since it is using the power of email, other's blogging abilities, and YouTube on its own free time without the instruction, knowledge, or authorization from any candidate or party including but not limited to their respective committees. This is America, folks, and we are allowed to speak freely. Thank God for our Constitution."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This video was anonymously released for a city council election in Jackson last August. The MagnoliaPoliticos weren't the first but are a welcome addition to the scene.