Monday, March 3, 2008

Jere Nash: Landrum and Voting - Jere Nash Blog - Landrum and Voting - The David Landrum voting debacle rocketed out of the blogosphere and onto the front page of the Clarion Ledger Sunday morning. The piece by Jerry Mitchell was compelling, while Landrum's responses were anything but. That being said, unless one of the candidates incorporates this information into his television commercials, it is unclear how many voters will focus on the issue before next Tuesday. The rule of thumb in multi-candidate elections is that the candidate who gets attacked suffers, but so does the candidate who does the attacking. The voters take it out on both candidates because they have other candidates from whom to choose (unlike the choice voters face in a two-candidate field. So, we'll see if any of the other three major candidates take the risk and decide to inform the voters about the issues raised in Sunday's Clarion-Ledger article.

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