Saturday, March 8, 2008

My Analysis of David Landrum's Vote*

My Analysis of David Landrum's Vote*

1) John Rounsaville produced evidence indicating David Landrum had not voted after the 2000 general election or before the 2007 general election. Now the burden of proof is on David Landrum.

2) David Landrum produced records he said showed he attempted to cast a ballot in the 2003 primary and general by affidavit. After a Clarion Ledger investigation, it was found those were not his signatures, something David Landrum eventually admitted. So he has no proof he attempted to vote.

3) John Rounsaville's campaign further demonstrated that David Landrum was not registered to vote in Hinds County in 2003. So even if he had tried to cast a ballot (which he could not prove even that) it would not have been accepted. He could not, thus he did not, vote.

4) David Landrum next claimed someone stole his ballot and pointed to Pete Perry, John Rounsaville's treasurer, as someone who was in the record room. However, Pete Perry went to the records room in response to the Landrum Campaign's release of their now admitted false proof. Perry went to verify the documents Landrum released. That means the Landrum Campaign was in the record room first. The Landrum Campaign removed records and copied them. If absentee ballots are missing (ballots which would prove the signatures on the sign-in were not David Landrum's signatures), then perhaps as the first ones in the room, the Landrum Campaign "misplaced" them.

5) But the key here is, how do we know ballots are missing? We know because there are fewer ballots in the box than names on the sign-in sheet. But the Landrum Campaign has acknowledged none of the signatures on the sign-in sheet belong to David Landrum. Therefore, if no ballots were missing, if all the ballots were there, if there was a ballot for every signature...there would still be no ballot belonging to David Landrum, because he has no signature on the roll for such a ballot to correspond to.

Conclusion: In the final analysis, there is evidence David Landrum did not vote. There is no evidence he did vote. There is no evidence stolen or missing that could show he voted, because that evidence (the voter roll) is still in the record room and it still says, David Landrum did not vote.

(*Thanks for the emails pro and con that helped to make this case.)

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