Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Landrum's Bogus Signatures - Sid Salter Blog - Neil Forbes: Campaign manager now admits signatures were bogus - Last week, I confronted Neil Forbes, David Landrum's campaign manager, during a phone conversation about the signatures he had released to the media purporting to document Landrum's voting record and told him that they signatures appeared to be bogus. He was adamant that the signatures belonged to the Landrums. He didn't say he released them without their knowledge and he didn't say the Landrums failed to verify them. Forbes told me straight up that the signatures were the real McCoy, something he's now admitted wasn't true. If there was a chance that the signatures weren't valid, if Landrum hadn't verified them, why didn't he say so last week? Why did Landrum not say so when Paul Gallo confronted Landrum about it on his show? The reason is painfully obvious. Forbes knows it. Landrum knows it. And I think the readers know it, too. As Jerry Mitchell pointed out in his second story, the affidavit ballot register Landrum says he signed isn't missing. It's right where it was when Neil Forbes used it to fabricate bogus evidence to bolster the Landrum's voting records — evidence the Landrum campaign now admits was bogus.

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