Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ross Campaign Email

We are wrapping up another busy week. The days are going by so quickly on the campaign trail that the election will be here before we know it!

I did want to take time out of my schedule to give you a quick update on what we did this week. The staff has worked very hard to place campaign signs in our communities and neighborhoods. If you would like to put a sign for your business or home, please contact the campaign headquarters at 601-362-7677 or by email at, and we will gladly accommodate your request.

We visited with folks at the Simpson County Republican Executive Meeting, the Hinds County Republican Women's Club, and the Madison County Teenage Republican Meeting. We had a wonderful fundraiser hosted by Charles and Cherri Porter at their Reservoir home. I also spent time in Washington D.C. meeting with various organizations in order to help spread my message. Today, I am visiting supporters in Natchez. We are putting many miles on the road!

While on the campaign trail, a concern that I am constantly hearing is the status of our economy. This is an issue that impacts us. I would like to commend the U.S. Congress for reaching a tentative compromise on tax rebates. This will help stimulate the economy, which is a necessity. I believe it would be bad policy for the Democrats to repeal the tax cuts that were put in place by President Bush. These tax cuts have been successful. It would be a mistake to do away with them.

Another way to improve the economy is for government to live within its means. We cannot continue the policy of spending more money than we collect. While serving in the Mississippi Senate, I helped to balance the state budget. I have done it before, and I will do it again when I get to Washington. The Third Congressional District needs a fiscal conservative who can help solve the economic problems that we are encountering, and I am that person.

The election is nearly six weeks away. During the March 11 primary, many schools will be on Spring Break. If you are going to be out of town, I recommend you vote via absentee ballot. This coming Monday, absentee ballots should be available. State law requires these ballots be available 45 days prior to the election. For more information, contact your local circuit clerk. If you or a family member are not yet registered to vote, you can download the voter registration form online by clicking here.

Please continue to talk about my campaign to your friends and neighbors, and as always, if you need any campaign literature, contact the campaign headquarters.

Hope to see you soon,

Charlie Ross

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