Monday, January 14, 2008

Harper, Ross in Meridian

Gregg Harper and Charlie Ross both did editorial board meetings with the Meridian Star.

Gregg Harper: "The congressional seat is not anything glamorous. It's a position of service, and it's one of the few offices where you impact people on an individual basis. I don't ever want to run for anything else. This is the only thing I've ever wanted to run for, I just never thought that I would ever get the opportunity. When you look at what Sonny (Montgomery) did for 30 years and Chip for 12, it's a little mind boggling. That's why so many people are going to run ’ everybody realizes this is your one chance at it...While others may have done some stuff within the Republican party, nobody has done what I have done to help good people get elected over many years. And so I do believe that I've worked in the trenches more than anybody else would be able to say...And then there's issues that I feel strongly about that I believe would set me apart, and one is my view on trying to help families with special needs children, because we have one ... I'm not one who believes you should help people who can do things themselves, but there are people that really truly need to be helped, and I think we need to do that... Social Security. I mean we have to protect our seniors, but I do believe that personal retirement accounts as a part of that, for our younger workers, would sure be something that would be important and I do support that...The key thing for this workforce training...Absolutely whoever wins the Republican primary is going to be your next congressman. ...The surge has been working, and it has worked well. I am fully committed to what we're doing in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Middle East...I'm probably a lot more hawkish than a lot of people on that."

Charlie Ross: "I ran for lieutenant governor and obviously I wanted to win that position. But the people of Mississippi are the boss, and I did not win that race. But I think it set me up extremely well for this race because people know me now.
Ross: I think for all Americans right now national defense is a big issue. I am a strong proponent of a strong national defense. You don't get into wars because you're too strong, and you don't lose wars because you're too strong. Usually, the problems arise when you're not strong enough...The other issue that I think is crucial to the 3rd Congressional District is transportation and infrastructure...You need to build a transportation system that accommodates your growth, rather than adjust your growth to the transportation system...[Immigration is] a very important issue to the people of Mississippi. They feel very strongly about it. I do too. I think the first step is to secure the border...and I'm not anti-immigration, I'm anti-illegal immigration. The word illegal means something...And if they're properly documented I have no problem with them being here. But they need to be properly documented so they pay taxes just like every other Mississippian does...The problem has been that there has been too much spending. Now, I blame the Republicans for that. They were in charge when most of that spending was done...The answer is not universal health care, because if you go that way you're going to end up having poor quality...I'm a party man. I believe the Republican party generally has the right idea. I am a conservative. I think the Republican party lost their way a little bit, and they are regaining their bearings, and I hope to be a part of that process...I don't think the public chose the Democrats as much as they just said we want some change and because they weren't pleased with the leadership in Congress as far as budget issues and things like that."

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