Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Landrum self contributes another $60,000

Yesterday, David Landrum gave $60,000 more of his own money to his campaign. After anticipating that he would make no self-contributions when he got into the race, he has now given his campaign $470,000, almost half-a-million dollars. One Landrum supporter suggested to me that he thinks he could win the campaign without a run-off.


noyl said...
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noyl said...

While Landrum tries to buy a seat with his millions, Ross is seeing some serious contributions:





Landrum gives himself $60k. Supporters give Ross $90k.

I'm not certain if there's some sort of minimum limits that must be reported on the 48 hour reports, but if so, Ross could potentially be collecting much more.

Landrum is showing about $22k in donations.
Harper is showing $5k.


David said...

The threshold for those reports is $1000 or more.

MS Smitty said...

One Landrum supporter suggested to me that he thinks he could win the campaign without a run-off.

Landrum supporters need to lay off the peyote. Seriously.

Unknown said...

The Landrum supporters might enjoy that peyote after how they have bungled his voting failures. He was riding high (on cash, not peyote) until he lied about voting in 2003. And even then his campaign amplified that mistake by putting out questionable material trying to prove that "YES, YES he did try to vote once, see, see" when in fact it makes his absence of voting in all the other elections more glaring. He should have just taken the hit and moved on, rather than opened himself up to bleed so much money.