Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Broadwater Emails

2.25.08 - Third Congressional District Republican Candidates’ Answers When Asked the Question, “Why Should People Vote for You Over the Other Candidates?”

This is a synopsis of the Republican candidates’ answers when asked the question in public debates and forums or as stated in television advertisements and/or other media, “Why should people vote for you over the others candidates?”

James Broadwater: Because you won’t have to beg me to do what’s right / We need to restore Christian values to our nation

Gregg Harper: Because you know in your heart of hearts I'm the right one

Gregory Hatcher: I’ll listen to you/I won’t forget where I came from

David Landrum: I know how to start a business/I’ve spent 29 years signing the front of a paycheck, not just the back of a paycheck/I know how to create jobs/I’ll lower your taxes

Bill Marcy: I was born in Chicago of Southern parents/I’m a conservative’s conservative

Charlie Ross: I was a state senator/I have experience/I can hit the ground running/

John Rounsaville: I was an aide for Chip Pickering/I have experience/I can hit the ground running


James Broadwater has proven that the Republican candidates for Chip Pickering's seat in Congress are not all the same.

Broadwater has distinguished himself in three debates from the others in statements that he is so pro-life that he favors a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution, that he believes in marriage so much that he has authored a Community Marriage Agreement and endorses a Federal Marriage Amendment, and that on taxation, he seeks to do away with the income tax, abolish the IRS, get rid of the marriage penalty, and kill the death tax - and he has signed Americans for Tax Reform's Pledge to not raise taxes - all things that the other candidates have not done so far. He is also the only candidate who has stated that he is willing to use all the means at our disposal to stop illegal immigration, including using the military, SWAT teams, canine units, helicopters, aerial surveillance, the Civil Air Patrol, the national guard and the reserves, state law enforcement agencies, and even deputized citizens.

Broadwater has also distinguished himself as a leader among the candidates in that some of the other candidates have begun "borrowing" some of his statements and using them as their own - notably, former State Senator Charlie Ross and candidate Bill Marcy in a debate last night in Meridian, where both men used the statement that illegal immigration is just that - illegal - a statement James Broadwater made Monday night in a debate in Pearl which was quoted in the Tuesday edition of the Clarion-Ledger. For faith, for family, for freedom, vote for James Broadwater in the March 11th Republican Primary.

2.21.08 - The Broadwater Plan to Stop Illegal Immigration

James Broadwater has announced today his plan to stop illegal immigration. He publicly states that he will lead the way in the U.S. House to utilize all the means we have at our disposal, including using the full-time active duty military, the national guard and reserves, the FBI, the CIA, ATF, state law enforcement agencies, SWAT teams, helicopters, aerial surveillance, canine units, and deputized private citizens to seal our borders.

In May of 2006, Jennive Ramsey of Morton, Mississippi, in Scott County, wrote in an article that was published on the internet:

First Person Account Of What Illegal Immigration
Has Done To Morton (Scott County) Mississippi

I am a native of Scott County - Morton, MS to be exact (Little Mexico) as it is referred to.

Growing up in Morton, we (school kids) knew that not all of us were going to go to college, but we also knew, though it was hard work, that we could make an honest living and gain a living wage by working at the chicken plant "B.C. Rogers".

It seemed like over night our town was being over-run with Latinos, Cubans, Dominicans etc.... Over time they took all the jobs at the chicken plant and there were no rental houses available. Then the starting wage at the chicken plant went from about 8.00 per hour to minimum wage. (late 80's early 90's).

Later, my family took a trip to San Antonio to attend a wedding. While we were there we went to Mexico (entering in Laredo). In Laredo we bought a newspaper and in the newspaper was an ad for B.C. Rogers, Morton, MS open to anyone - it stated that a bus would be at a certain place at a certain time ..... to pick up anyone who wanted a "job" with free housing.

What B.C. Rogers was doing basically was bussing in the illegals, giving them a job, and putting them in shot-gun style house's, the houses were/are "full" past capacity...... B.C. Rogers would then take the "rent" from their "paychecks" along with other incidentals they would deduct...food, lights, water etc... These people were put in basically huts and made to work like slaves. (I do not feel sorry for them).

Now we have "Little Mexico"... formally known as Morton, MS. I have been in stores and watched the owners chase them down for stealing... and then hear the sad story of the store owner ... because he has been robbed to the point he can't make it anymore. Outside his store you can see an Amigo with his own version of a store (a piece of plywood on top of a milk crate) set up outside on the street selling vegetables and tall glass candles. Every store has the word "HOT" in 3-4 different language to accommodate the different ethnic groups represented in the community and because they claimed not to speak the language... (a lie in most cases).

So in a "nut" shell we can blame B.C. Rogers now Koch Foods for the invasion of Mississippi....

Jennive Ramsey

Lieutenant Governor Phil Bryant told us when he was State Auditor that we have almost 50,000 illegal immigrants in the State of Mississippi alone (one source said that was a conservative estimate), and that they were costing us tens of millions of dollars in government expense and that they were placing a strain on our health care, prison, and education systems. He's right.

Not only that, but as I said in a debate in Pearl on Monday night, illegal immigration is just that - ILLEGAL. They have broken our laws to get here; why would we think they are going to obey our laws now that they are here?

And I am also in favor of punishing the business owners who knowingly hire them, like the one in the example given by Mrs. Ramsey. How dare they jeopardize our national security for the sake of greed? "Thou shalt not covet" definitely applies here.

We have to stop illegal immigration now. We already deport - some of them over and over again - some of the illegals who are already here, and many of them just come back again. We must deport them, and not allow them to return. And we must not allow children born in America to people who are here illegally to be classified as American citizens. That constitutional amendment was intended only to apply to the children of people who were slaves to be classified as American citizens from the time they were born. We must not allow that provision to be abused to aid and abet the invasion of our country that is taking place now.

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