Monday, December 24, 2007

Senator Charlie Ross

AP - Miss. losing some of its most vocal senators - "Sen. Charlie Ross, R-Brandon, could always be counted on to defend the conservative line on issues from gun ownership to abortion. The Harvard-educated lawyer had to choose this year between seeking another term in the Senate and running for the open job of lieutenant governor. He opted to try for the higher office, and he lost in the Republican primary to fellow Rankin Countian Phil Bryant. Now, Ross is running for Congress. Bryant, the current state auditor, defeated Democratic Rep. Jamie Franks in the general election and will take over when Republican Amy Tuck finishes her second term as lieutenant governor in early January. Ross' replacement in his Madison and Rankin county district is Lee Yancey, a Christian conservative Republican whose teenage suburban supporters got attention on YouTube with a homemade rap video: 'He's so cool but he ain't too fancy. Put in your vote for Lee Yancey. Uh. Yeah.'"

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