Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New Landrum Commercial

David Landrum has his second commercial up. It stresses his executive business experience. After his lawyers' experience with YouTube, it doesn't appear the campaign is using it. But you can see the commerical at his web site:


Landrum: I'm not a lawyer, a politician or a bureaucrat.
Narrator: David Landrum, an army veteran, successful businessman, family man.
Mrs. Landrum: David will bring something different to Washington. He has a lot of experience in life that doesn’t come from a political career it comes from growing a business, growing a family.
Narrator: David Landrum.
Landrum: I'm here as a small town Mississippian who knows what it takes to start a business and create jobs.
Narrator: David Landrum. Conservative. Republican for Congress.
Landrum: I'm David Landrum and I approved this message.

Meanwhile, B Squared has posted the anti-Landrum video.

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