Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Primary election Tuesday

Winston County Journal - Primary election this Tuesday - Gregg Harper stopped by the Winston County Courthouse March 3 as a roundtrip of campaign. Harper above talks with Speedy and Pruitt Calvert. Harper complimented the Catfish Opry on the debate it opened its doors to last month. Mississippi registered voters will vote March 11 for their choice for a presidential candidate, the United States House of Representatives Third Congressional District, the U.S. Senate, and for a small part of Winston County the First Congressional District.

"It's important we remember to get out and vote," says Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann. "Voting is a privilege and we shouldn't forget how hard we have fought for the right to a say in what happens around us. Your vote is your voice." For more information, you may call your local Circuit Clerk's office, or you can visit

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